Musings: Considering Writing Time in an Author’s Tiny House Design
I’ve been slowly developing the art of saying “No” to activities which lessen my creative time, but I can’t always say no to cleaning, maintaining, and repairing my current home of over 1800 square feet.
Consequently, an important factor in the design of my 450-500 sq. ft. author’s tiny house is the use of sustainable and as-maintenance-free-as-possible materials to allow me more creative time.
I’ve designed two dedicated areas for writing. The first is in the bedroom – a wall bed with desk attached. The unit will have additional side and top pieces to hold clothing and will be built from fire kill or beetle kill lumber.
The second space is in the living room/kitchen area – an eight foot table that telescopes out from the center of a modular unit used for storage of kitchen and living room items. The table may be used for writing, dining, crafts, and multiple other purposes.
The wall bed and living room unit will be free-standing, on industrial rollers, and could sit back-to-back to form separation between the two spaces. There will also be outdoor and loft space for writing.
Designing a tiny house around my passion for writing provides more opportunities for me to immerse myself and strive for success.